.. index:: single: Installation; OpenERP Client (Linux) single: OpenERP Client; Installation (Linux) .. .. linux-client-link: OpenERP Client Installation =========================== Installing the required packages -------------------------------- You need to have Python 2 (2.5 or later for OpenERP v6.0, 2.6 or 2.7 for v6.1) in your system. You also need to install the following Python libraries, because OpenERP Client uses these packages. To install the required libraries on a Debian-based system such as Ubuntu, you can do the following in your favourite shell: * :guilabel:`gtk` : GTK+ is a highly usable, feature-rich toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces which boosts cross-platform compatibility and an easy-to-use API. :: sudo apt-get install python-gtk2 * :guilabel:`glade` : Glade is a RAD tool to enable quick & easy development of user interfaces for the GTK+ toolkit and the GNOME desktop environment. :: sudo apt-get install python-glade2 * :guilabel:`matplotlib` : matplotlib is a Python 2D plotting library which produces publication quality figures in a variety of hard-copy formats and interactive environments across platforms. :: sudo apt-get install python-matplotlib * :guilabel:`mxdatetime` : Provides a way of dealing with date/time values in Python (about to be deprecated). :: sudo apt-get install python-egenix-mxdatetime * :guilabel:`dateutil` : Provides date/time values in Python :: sudo apt-get install python-dateutil * :guilabel:`xml` : XML support for Python platform. :: sudo apt-get install python-xml * :guilabel:`tz` : World Timezone definitions for Python. :: sudo apt-get install python-tz * :guilabel:`hippocanvas` : The Hippo Canvas is a Cairo/GObject/GTK+ based canvas, written in C with support for flexible layout, CSS styling, and initial work on animations. :: sudo apt-get install python-hippocanvas * :guilabel:`pydot` : Python interface to Graphviz's Dot language. :: sudo apt-get install python-pydot * Any PDF viewer, properly registered in your system to automatically open PDF files (e.g. xpdf, kpdf, acroread, evince, etc..). See the :ref:`configure-pdf-viewer-link` section. .. note:: Debian-based one-liner The above packages may be installed all at once with the following command:: apt-get install python-gtk2 python-glade2 python-pydot python-dateutil \ python-matplotlib python-egenix-mxdatetime python-xml python-tz .. note:: RedHat-based distributions As an alternative to the above commands meant for Debian-based distributions, the following command should install the required dependencies for RedHat-based systems:: yum install pygtk2 glade3 pydot python-dateutil python-matplotlib \ python-egenix-mx-base python-xml python-hippo-canvas python-tz .. note:: Mandriva As an alternative to the above commands meant for Debian-based distributions, the following command should install the required dependencies for Mandriva:: yum install pygtk2 glade3 pydot python-dateutil python-matplotlib \ python-egenix-mx-base python-xml python-hippo-canvas python-tz Downloading the OpenERP Client ------------------------------ The OpenERP client can be downloaded from the `OpenERP website's download page `_ Testing the OpenERP Client -------------------------- If you only want to test the client, you do not need to install it. Just unpack the archive and start the openerp-client executable: :: tar -xzf openerp-client-6.0.2.tar.gz cd openerp-client-6.0.2/bin python openerp-client.py The list of available command line parameters can be obtained with the ``-h`` command-line switch: :: python openerp-client.py -h Installing the OpenERP Client ----------------------------- The client can be installed very easily using the *setup.py* file: :: tar -xzf openerp-client-6.0.2.tar.gz cd openerp-client-6.0.2 sudo python setup.py install You can now run the client using the following command: :: openerp-client .. index:: single: OpenERP Client; Configuring a PDF viewer single: PDF viewer .. .. _configure-pdf-viewer-link: Configuring a PDF Viewer ------------------------ By default the OpenERP Client will use your default PDF application for displaying PDF files You may customize this behavior by configuring a different default PDF application on your system. Alternatively, you may also specify explicitly the PDF command to use to display PDF files in the OpenERP configuration file, normally located in your HOME directory, and named ``'.openerprc'``. Find the ``[printer]`` section and edit the ``softpath`` parameter. For example: :: [printer] softpath = kpdf